Mid North Coast PSSA is one of the 4 zones that make up the North Coast PSSA region. The Mid North Coast Zone is divided into 4 districts: Clarence, Coffs Harbour, Toormina and Bellinger/Nambucca. Our zone extends from Baryulgil in the north to Stuarts Point in the south and west to Hernani and Dundurrabin, taking in 51 schools.
The Mid North Coast Zone Schools:
Clarence – Baryulgil PS, Copmanhurst PS, Coutts Crossing PS, Cowper PS, Gillwinga PS, Grafton PS, Lawrence PS, Nymboida PS, South Grafton PS, Tucabia PS, Ulmarra PS, Westlawn PS, Wooli PS.
Coffs Harbour – Coffs Harbour PS, Coramba PS, Corindi PS, Glenreagh PS, Karangi PS, Kororo PS, Lowanna PS, Mullaway PS, Nana Glen PS, Narranga PS, Orama PS, Orara Upper PS, Sandy Beach PS, Tyalla PS, Ulong PS, Woolgoolga PS.
Toormina – Boambee PS, Bonville PS, Sawtell PS, Crossmaglen PS, Toormina PS, William Bayldon PS.
Bellinger/Nambucca – Bellingen PS, Bowraville CS, Crossmaglen PS, Dorrigo PS, Dundurrabin PS, Eungai PS, Frank Partridge VC PS, Hernani PS, Macksville PS, Medlow PS, Nambucca Heads PS, Raleigh PS, Repton PS, Scotts Head PS, Stuarts Point PS, Urunga PS.